Monday, September 15, 2014

Pretty in Pink

So, I'm really excited to tell you about the new romance anthology in which I have short story.

But it's to much more important to tell you how and why I became involved with the project. The story behind the story, if you will.

Late last year, I was talking on the phone with my friend when she told me that she found a lump on her breast. That investigation led to a diagnosis of malignancy. Which led to more tests revealing that she carries the gene, just like Angelina Jolie. And on Martin Luther King day of this year, she had a double mastectomy in order to not only save her life, but insure that she had a long, happy one ahead of her.

It was a brutal year for her. A rigourous and draining regimen of chemotherapy ensued, the side effects of which I was only vaguely aware. And right on the heels of that, her reconstructive surgery, which just took place, ironically, a few days ago, just as the anthology is in pre-order and promotion. It took its toll of 13 hours. She has been through hell, just to survive. When I visited her the other day, I wanted to cry when I saw how much more she had endured.

Don't get me wrong. She is strong. She is determined. And she is surrounded by an amazing support group which I'm proud to be part of. She has a loving husband and three silly, crazy, wonderful pitbulls. (Two pitbulls appear in my story in her honor; she got the third after I'd sent in my manuscript). She is a survivor in every sense of the word.

And it's for that reason, when I got wind of this anthology, I submitted my name immediately, and dedicated my story to her.

So I'm honored and excited to announce the publication of the Volume Two of Shades of the Shades of Pink romance anthology, in which my short story The Long Road Home appears. There are many flavors of love in this collection, from vampires to warriors. As a romance writer, I like to recreate the kind of hero and heroine that I love to read about. Sheriff Dane McCall can't believe it when his best friend Carter
Thompson calls to tell him that he'll be attending their high school reunion in Anderson--along with his twin sister Catie. But when a horrible car accident just outside of town ruins their plans, Dane vows to find out
who or what caused the accident. And more importantly, he must find a way to deal with his feelings for Catie, and convince her to come home to Oregon for good, and be his.

 Pre-order is available here: For those who love to read about love. For all of women out there who are searching for a cure. For Kimie.

Back in Love

It's been awhile . . . but life happens, you know?

I've spent the last year preparing my contemporary romance novel My Brother's Keeper for publication, working on other writing projects, and oh---taking care of my husband for two months when his back went out.

But it's all good. It's been a time of great growth, and I feel even more excited about romance writing. Stay tuned for new of my novel!

In the meantime, I've had the pleasure of writing for the second edition of the Shades Of Pink Anthology, a collection of romance stories, the proceeds of which go directly to Breast Cancer Research.
While official publication begins September 30 (Breast Cancer Awareness month is October), you can pre-order now!:

2015 (and the rest of 2014) is going to be great. I can feel it!